Thu. Jul 4th, 2024
bird nesting services

Pigeons are infamous among facility managers for swiftly getting out of control. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to help limit the number of birds at an impacted site even before things spiral out of control.

One method for controlling pigeons is bird exclusion Bird Control Sydney, which keeps them from getting to places where they can get food and spread their population. To determine if this is the best remedy for your pigeon problem, we’ll examine in detail several types of bird netting and weigh their advantages and disadvantages in this post.

Understanding Bird Netting

Various materials, such as nylon, polyethylene, and stainless steel are used to make bird netting. The particular requirements of your application will determine the kind of bird netting you select. Since nylon bird netting is lightweight and simple to install, it is frequently used in agricultural applications. Bird netting made of polyethylene is more resilient and frequently used in industrial settings. The strongest kind of bird netting is stainless steel, and it is frequently used in places like airports where bird control is crucial.

What’s Bird Control?

Bird control refers to the methods and techniques used to manage or prevent birds from causing damage, nuisance or health hazards in certain areas such as buildings, airports, agricultural fields, public spaces, and urban environments. Bird control Sydney can involve a wide range of measures, including physical barriers, netting, spikes, repellents, sonic devices, and even trained birds of prey. The goal of bird control is typically to discourage birds from landing, nesting or roosting in unwanted areas, thereby reducing the risk of damage to property, aircraft, crops, and the spread of diseases.

Where Is Bird Control Used the Most?

Bird control is used in a variety of settings where birds can cause problems. Here are some of the most common places where bird control is used:

  • Airports: Birds can be a serious hazard to aircraft, so bird control measures are used at airports to reduce the risk of bird strikes.
  • Buildings: Birds can cause damage to buildings by nesting, roosting, and leaving droppings, so bird control measures are used to prevent them from entering or perching on buildings.
  • Agriculture: Birds can damage crops and reduce yields, so bird control measures are used in agricultural fields to protect crops.
  • Public spaces: Birds can cause problems in public spaces such as parks, beaches, and marinas, so bird control measures are used to prevent them from roosting or nesting in these areas.
  • Urban environments: Birds can cause problems in urban environments such as city streets and rooftops, so bird control measures are used to prevent them from perching or nesting in these areas.

How Bird Control and Netting Reduces Pigeon Issues

Bird control can be effective in reducing pigeon issues in a number of ways. Here are a few examples:

  1. Physical barriers: Installing physical barriers such as netting or spikes can prevent pigeons from landing or nesting on buildings or other structures, thereby reducing damage to property and the risk of disease transmission from pigeon droppings.
  2. Repellents: Certain repellents, such as bird gels, can be applied to surfaces to discourage pigeons from landing or roosting on them. These repellents are not harmful to birds, but create a sticky or slippery surface that birds find uncomfortable.
  3. Trained birds of prey: The use of trained birds of prey, such as falcons or hawks, can be an effective method of bird control. These birds are trained to scare pigeons away from an area, and their presence can deter pigeons from returning.
  4. Sonic devices: Sonic devices emit sounds that are unpleasant to birds, which can discourage them from landing or nesting in an area. These devices can be effective in reducing pigeon issues, but they need to be used properly and in conjunction with other methods for best results.

The bird control measures can be effective in reducing pigeon issues by preventing birds from landing or nesting in unwanted areas, which in turn reduces damage to property, health risks, and nuisance behaviours associated with pigeons.

Alternatives to Bird Netting as well as its advantages

Choosing to utilise bird netting for your facility has benefits and drawbacks. It’s critical to balance the benefits and drawbacks to make the best bird control decision for you and your business. In a perfect world, especially in huge industrial sites, you can eliminate pigeons by utilising massive pigeon nets. There are several uses for bird netting, such as:

  • Inside of recessed areas of structures
  • Luminous wells
  • Beneath eaves
  • Around machinery

Bird control is an important aspect of managing pest birds in both urban and rural environments. It is essential to understand the various methods available for bird control and their effectiveness, as well as the laws and regulations that govern bird control activities. With proper bird control measures in place, we can reduce the damage caused by birds and create a healthier and safer environment for both humans and birds.

Whether you choose to use physical deterrents, acoustic devices, or other methods, it is crucial to consider the long-term effects of your actions on both the environment and the bird population. By working together to implement effective bird control strategies, we can maintain a balance between the needs of humans and the natural world.