Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
dementia care homes auckland

Dementia is a progressive disease that affects the brain. It can cause problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. People with dementia may have problems doing day-to-day tasks, such as getting dressed or remembering important dates or appointments. best Dementia care homes in Auckland can help make your loved one’s life easier by following these tips for caring for them in a care home:

Staff Training

The first step to caring for a loved one with dementia is training your staff. Your employees should be taught how to deal with people who have dementia, as well as how to keep them safe and healthy. The following topics should be covered:

  • How to communicate effectively with someone who has dementia
  • Proper hygiene and grooming techniques for people with dementia
  • Safety precautions for providing care in a home setting

Communication at mealtime and in the morning

  • Ask questions.
  • Use the person’s name, and make sure you know how to pronounce it correctly.
  • Keep your sentences short and simple; don’t use big words or difficult phrases that they might not understand.
  • Don’t talk over them or interrupt them while they’re speaking–let them finish what they have to say before responding yourself!

dementia care homes auckland

Meals and eating, including snacks

One of the most important things you can do to help your loved one maintain their health and independence is to ensure they have regular meals. This is especially true if they have dementia, as it can be difficult for them to remember when or what time it is. If you know that your loved one has difficulty with this, try setting an alarm on their phone or watch so that when it goes off, they know it’s time for lunch or dinner.

If someone has dementia and refuses to eat at all times during the day (or night), there are things you can do as well:

  • Meals should be served at set times each day so there isn’t any confusion about when food will appear next.
  • Try serving smaller portions than usual–this may mean less food but also less chance of having leftovers around later on when some people might accidentally eat too much without realizing how much they’ve actually consumed until after doing so!

Hygiene and grooming

If your loved one has dementia, he or she may not be able to take care of their hygiene needs on their own. For example, bathing and showering are tasks that many people with dementia struggle with. If you’re helping your parent bathe him or herself, make sure that you have enough time to do it safely.

If your loved one is unable to dress properly due to cognitive issues like memory loss or confusion, then this could also be an issue for them at home as well as in the care home environment. You can help by helping them put on clothes in the morning before breakfast and removing them at bedtime so they don’t get tangled up during sleep (or worse yet–in case of a fire). You can also help them choose outfits based on what activities are planned for each day so they’ll feel comfortable throughout the day’s events!


Dementia is a progressive disease that affects the brain, causing memory loss and other cognitive difficulties. It’s important to know how dementia care homes Auckland care for a loved one with dementia in a care home and make sure they are safe and comfortable.
