Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

If you’ve ever looked into hiring a commercial cleaning company, you might have noticed that everyone charges different rates for their services. This is because there are many factors that go into a Commercial cleaning Melbourne company’s rate, including things like the square footage of the building being cleaned, equipment needed to do the job, and more. Let’s take a look at some of these factors and how they effect commercial cleaning rates:

1. Square footage

Square footage is a good indicator of how much time it will take to clean the building. The larger the square footage, the greater number of people you will need to clean it and the more time it will take.

2. Labor costs

Labor is a significant portion of the total cost of cleaning. Labor costs are based on the number of people who are cleaning, as well as the number of hours that are spent cleaning. The hourly rate or salary for each person will also affect labor costs.

Hourly Rates: The average hourly rate for commercial cleaners ranges from $20 per hour to $40 per hour depending on their skills and experience level, location, and other factors. For example, a skilled cleaner who has been working for years may be able to charge more than a newer employee would because they have more experience and can do better work in less time than someone with less experience might take (and therefore need more hours).

Number of Employees: The larger your site is or the longer it’s been abandoned (such as an industrial warehouse), the more likely it will need multiple workers performing different tasks at once—for instance, one could be doing floor washing while another cleans windows or scrubs walls. A commercial cleaning service with at least three employees should be able to handle these larger jobs with ease; otherwise they may not have enough employees available during peak periods like after hours when there aren’t many clients around to help out!

Commercial cleaning Melbourne

3. Reliable staff

Reliability is one of the most important factors to consider when quoting for commercial cleaning rates. It is vital that you hire reliable staff who will always be on time, well-groomed and trained in all aspects of their work, including customer service skills. Your clients will expect nothing less than professionalism from your staff and they can easily be put off by a lacklustre attitude or poor presentation.

4. Equipment

When quoting for commercial cleaning rates, you should consider the equipment that you will be using. Equipment can be expensive and it is not always necessary to spend a lot of money on it. However, if your clients are happy with the work that you do, then they might refer more business your way.

5. A commercial cleaning company has more to contribute than just cleaning.

When quoting for commercial cleaning rates, it is important to consider the value that a commercial cleaning company can add to your business. A commercial cleaning company has more to offer than just cleaning. The following are some of the services that more sophisticated and experienced cleaners can offer:

  1. Pest control
  2. Fire damage restoration
  3. Flood damage prevention and cleanup
  4. Mold removal
  5. Asbestos removal


Cleanliness is next to godliness, and a clean space is not only a healthy one but also an uplifting and inspiring environment for employees and customers alike. By considering the above factors when looking at Commercial cleaning Melbourne rates, you have the opportunity to get quality service from a reliable company without breaking your budget.
