Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
wedding venue hire

Planning a wedding is a huge, stressful and expensive affair. But there are ways to cut down on these costs and ensure that you and your guests have an unforgettable day. 

One of the most important decisions you must make when planning your big day is choosing the venue for your wedding reception or ceremony. 

To help with this process, we’ve put together some tips that will help guide you through the process of wedding venue hire in Sydney:

What’s your wedding venue budget?

Your wedding venue budget is the sum total of all your expenses for the entire event. It can be tough to know exactly how much you will spend on each aspect, which is why so many couples marry without a clue about what they have to pay.

If you’re planning an intimate ceremony or just want a simple reception, then you must start thinking about this before the wedding venue hire Sydney!

Is the venue suited to your guest numbers?

It’s essential to check the venue’s capacity and layout before you book it. If you’re planning a large wedding, ensure that the platform can comfortably accommodate all of your guests. 

You may also want to consider how many people will be coming from outside your town or county–this could affect how long it takes for them to travel there and back on their own. 

If you are having trouble fitting everyone into one location, consider talking with local businesses about renting out additional spaces at different times during the weekend. 

wedding venue hire Sydney

Does the venue reflect your style?

You want to ensure that the venue you hire reflects your style. If it doesn’t, guests will have an uncomfortable time at your wedding and may leave early.

You should also make sure that the venue is a good match for the style of your guests. For example, if they’re all young professionals who like trendy bars and restaurants, having a more traditional space with lots of natural light might not be ideal. 

Does the venue offer in-house catering?

To ensure you’re not missing out on any food, it’s essential to ask about the venue’s catering policy. Does the forum handle food allergies? If so, how does it plan to accommodate them?

Are there restrictions on what types of food can be served and at what times throughout the day or evening (e.g., no peanut butter sandwiches)? 

What are the basics for preparing meals at your event–do you need a kitchen or access to one? Will a formal sit-down meal be prepared by an experienced chef who can cater to dietary restrictions such as gluten-free and vegetarian options?

One should ask the venue owner these questions for a hassle-free event.

Transportation costs, if any

Transportation costs are a major deciding factor when it comes to choosing your wedding venue. 

If you have guests coming from far away and you want them to celebrate without having to worry about driving all night, booking your ceremony in the morning might not be the best option for them and their families.

If this concerns you, consider how far people will have travelled before arriving at the wedding venue and plan accordingly.

This could also mean paying extra attention to how much time it takes for everyone there (including yourself) so that everyone can get ready comfortably and arrive on time after their long journey!


If you’re looking for a wedding venue hire Sydney that is perfect for your big day, start the basic search online! 

Connect with your desired venues and ask for quotes before deciding on the final venue.