Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
digital dental lab

Digital dental labs are a great way to use technology to improve your practice. The digital format of 3D printing allows for more accurate models, more efficient workflows, and a higher level of customization for patients.

 The benefits of using this new technology are clear: you’ll be able to accomplish more with less hassle and confusion!

What is a digital dental lab?

A digital dental lab (also known as CAD/CAM) is a computer-based system that allows dentists to create crowns, bridges and dentures. It’s used by dentists to make customized dental restorations using models of your teeth.

In the past, making these types of restorations required taking impressions of your mouth using traditional methods like plaster casts or waxes–a process that could take several weeks before you received the final product in the mail.

With digital technology, however, the entire process has been streamlined so that it takes just a matter of hours from start to finish!

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Why is a digital dental lab important?

A digital dental lab is an important and necessary part of your practice. It can save you time, money and make the whole process more efficient, accurate and convenient for all involved.

A dental lab is an area where dental restorations are made out of porcelain or other materials. The materials are created using a CAD/CAM system which allows the dentist to design their own crowns or veneers before they are made in a physical form by the lab technician.

digital dental lab

What are some benefits of using a digital dental lab?

There are many benefits to using a digital dental lab, including:

  • Cost savings. A traditional laboratory can cost anywhere from $100-200 per unit for each crown or bridge that needs to be made. If you’re doing 10 of them per day, that’s $1000-$2000 in labor alone! With a digital lab, there is no need for staff members who spend their days shaping wax and casting replicas of your teeth. It only takes one technician (or even yourself) with access to CAD software and 3D printing equipment to make multiple crowns at once–and they’re usually cheaper than buying them from other providers as well!
  • Time savings. Another great thing about having your own digital dental lab is how quickly it can produce finished products for patients who need immediate treatment but don’t want something permanent yet; this way we’ll have more time together before deciding what type of restoration will work best over time.”

How does the digital dental lab work?

The digital dental lab can save you time, money and space. It also saves materials by creating a 3D model of your mouth that allows you to try different options before production begins.

The process works like this: First, a dentist takes an impression of your teeth using traditional methods like putty or alginate (plaster-like material).

Then this impression is sent off to the lab where it is digitized into a 3D model using specialized software that turns it into X-rays or CT scans that show every detail of your bite from multiple angles.

At this point, dentists have access to all sorts of options for their patients’ crowns–so many that they often don’t even need physical models anymore!

 You might think this would mean longer wait times for patients who want new crowns made but thanks to advances in technology like 3D printers and rapid prototyping machines which can print out prototypes right at the office within minutes (or even seconds), we’re able do things much faster than ever before – sometimes even better than expected too!


The digital dental lab is changing dentistry by providing patients with better care and more affordable options.

The technology can be used to create prosthetics, crowns and bridges, implants, and other types of dental work that might have previously been difficult or expensive for patients to obtain. This means that anyone who needs dental work can now get it quicker than ever before!
