Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
Gastric lap band surgery in Melbourne

Lap band surgery is a popular weight-loss procedure that can help you shed pounds and keep them off. However, like any medical procedure, Gastric lap band surgery in Melbourne has its pros and cons. Here’s what you need to know about this increasingly popular option:

Lap band surgery is both reversible and adjustable

Lap band surgery is both reversible and adjustable. That means that once you’ve had the procedure if you don’t like your results or feel that lap band surgery isn’t right for you, you can have it removed completely—or make adjustments to your band as time goes on.

It’s important to note that occasionally, a patient may need more than one laparoscopic surgical procedure to achieve their desired weight loss goal. And even after surgery is complete, some patients experience significant fluctuations in their weight before they achieve long-term stability in their target range.

The reason? As we mentioned above: It’s not uncommon for people with obesity-related diseases (such as sleep apnea) to lose weight rapidly after having an operation like this one performed on them—so if they haven’t changed anything else about their lifestyle (or haven’t been able to improve any other health problems), then these changes could cause them to put back on some of those pounds again over time!

 Gastric lap band surgery in Melbourne

It can be performed under either local or general anesthesia

If you’re interested in lap band surgery and have concerns about safety, it’s important to know that there are two different types of anesthesia available. Local anesthesia is safer than general anesthesia, but most surgeons prefer to use the latter because they think it’s better for the procedure.

Generally speaking, local anesthesia is more expensive than general anesthesia—and often requires multiple visits to see a doctor prior to your surgery date (as opposed to one visit with a surgeon who is performing both procedures).

It does not require cutting or stapling of the stomach

In lap band surgery, a silicone band is placed around the upper part of your stomach. The purpose of this band is to create a small pouch that holds food and liquid so you feel full sooner.

The surgeon makes one small incision under the skin (about two inches) and puts in a laparoscope, which lets him look at your organs while he puts in the band. The surgery can be done in one of two ways:

    • Using local anesthesia, which means you don’t need to be put under general anesthesia (where you sleep). This method is less expensive than general anesthesia, but it takes longer and may cause more pain afterward because it doesn’t numb all over like general does.
    • Under general anesthesia—you’re asleep for the whole thing! This type of procedure usually takes about an hour and has shorter recovery time than local does; however, there are some risks associated with being put under for any length of time including nausea after surgery (which typically goes away within days), vomiting from swallowing too much air.
    • During the procedure or from drinking too fast after eating solid food again later on down the line…and if something goes wrong during surgery then we could potentially end up needing emergency care outside our normal provider network since they won’t have records yet! In addition.


Do your research, talk to a doctor you trust, and make sure you understand what lap band surgery Melbourne will be like for YOU before going through with it. This can help ensure that you have the best experience possible with this procedure.
