Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024
Termite Control 101 Understanding Different Treatment Options

Are termites turning your dream home into their own personal buffet? Fret not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unveil the intriguing world of termite control Melbourne and dive deep into the various treatment options to help you regain power over these sneaky intruders.

Whether you’re faced with a full-blown infestation or simply seeking preventive measures, join us as we unravel Termite Control 101 and equip you with all the knowledge necessary to protect your precious abode. Say goodbye to those pesky munchers – it’s time for them to pack up and march out!

What is Termite Control?

There are a few key things to remember when it comes to termite control. First and foremost, Termites are active during the night which is when they cause the most damage. Secondly, you need to properly treat your premises for termites before they can cause any damage. And finally, you need to be proactive in repelling them from your property in the first place. Let’s take a closer look at each of these points.

1) Termites are active during the night

Termites are attracted to moisture so if there’s water present on or close to your property they will be drawn to it. The best way to keep them away is by keeping the moisture levels low and preventing any sources of water from coming onto your property in the first place. This means fixing leaks, adding insulation, and maintaining good drainage systems.

2) You need to properly treat your premise before termites can cause any damage

Before you can do anything else, you need to make sure that the area is free of crevices where termites could enter and inflict damage. You can do this by treating all wood with a methyl bromide or copper based treatment which will make it difficult for termites to interact with the wood however this method is not 100% effective and may still require occasional treatment depending on the severity of infestation.

3) Be proactive in repelling them from your property in the first place

One of the most important steps in fighting termites is to keep them away from your property in the first place. There are a few things you can do to help: seal any cracks and crevices around the perimeter of your home, use a bedding material made of sawdust, vermiculite or cotton, and keep all garden areas weed free.

Types of Termite Control

Termite control is an important part of any home’s and business’ prevention plan. There are two main types of termite control: chemical and mechanical, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

Chemical Termites Control

The most common form of termite control Melbourne is using chemicals. Chemical agents kill the termites by breaking down their protective outer layer of skin and exoskeleton, eventually killing them. Common chemicals used in termite control include propane, carbon dioxide, Formic acid, Diazinon and Oxydemeton-methyl.

Though effective, these chemicals have several drawbacks: they can be toxic to humans and pets; they are difficult or impossible to use in some areas (particularly near water); they need to be applied regularly—every month or so for a long-term treatment; and they can leave behind harmful residues that may need to be treated over time.

Mechanical Termite Control

Another form of termite control is using mechanical equipment such as antlers, snap traps and baits. Mechanical methods involve trapping the termites as they tunnel into homes or businesses, then removing them using the equipment.

This type of termite Control is less common than chemical treatment because it’s more complicated and requires more training than using chemicals. Mechanical tools also tend to be more expensive than chemical treatments.

How to Find a Termite Control Professional

If you are looking for a professional to provide termite control services, the first step is to find an experienced company. There are many reputable and qualified professionals out there, so it is important that you do your research.

Termite ControlYou can search for companies online or through word-of-mouth referrals. Once you have found a professional you are comfortable with, contact them to inquire about their services. If they are licensed and insured, they will be able to provide you with a quote for the project. You will also want to ensure that the contractor has experience treating termites in your area.

Preventing Termites from Infesting Your Home

When it comes to termites, prevention is the key to preventing damage. Here are a few tips to help keep your home free from these pesky creatures:

  1. Check for signs of termite activity. If you spot any small holes in your walls or ceiling, or see droppings or wings on the ground, chances are high that termites are active in your home.
  1. Seal off any potential entry points into your home, including cracks in the foundation and around pipes and vents. Termites cannot survive inside sealed areas, so this will help keep them at bay.
  1. Regularly check the roofs of your home for signs of termite damage or abandonment nests. If you find any problems, have a professional inspect the area and consult with a qualified contractor who can install a protection system if necessary.
  1. Use an exclusion kit to bait termites away from your home before they can cause any damage. Kit instructions will vary depending on whether you live in an urban or rural area, but all kits include provisions for capping and blocking soil tunnels as well as applying residual insecticides around the perimeter of your house (both inside and out).
  1. Always remember to keep an eye out for any changes in your home that might be indicative of termite activity, and if you notice anything suspicious or disruptive, call a professional right away. Preventing termites from infesting your home is vital to protecting your property and family. Using these tips will help keep you and your loved ones safe.

How to Treat a Termite Infestation

There are a few things you can do to treat a termite infestation, depending on the severity. If you see droppings or evidence of a nest on the property, call a professional. If the infestation is small and hasn’t reached structural damage, treating it yourself may be enough. For smaller infestations, use the following steps:

Remove all items around the area where the termites are seen. This includes any furniture orAnything that could provide cover for them. Sweep up any loose soil or debris where they may have been nesting. Use a sharp object to poke holes in any corners of buildings where they may have been entering (these will act as exits). Seal these openings with caulk or silicon sealant.

Apply a thin layer of bee-keeping gel or Vaseline to cracks and other openings where water can get inside (termites like damp areas). Position smoke bombs around the building in question to create an alert for people who enter (smoke bombs will also deter animals from coming into close proximity).

Treat all edges of roofs and siding with Guardian ant control dust (available at most hardware stores), and apply caulk or silicone sealants along these seams to prevent water infiltration. Move anything that was removed during treatment inside until after it has dried. Reapply pesticides as directed by your professional exterminator

Prevention Tips for Other Home Injurers

  • Prevention is key when controlling termites. Here are some tips to help:
  • Seal all cracks and crevices around your home’s foundations, framing, exterior siding and rooflines with a caulk or sealant. This will help keep moisture out and pests like termites from entering.
  • Keep your home clean – tidy up leaves, broken bottles and other waste around the property. Termites feast on decaying material so keeping everything tidy will make it harder for them to build nests.
  • Make sure you have a termite inspection every year – during an inspection the professionals can look for any signs of infestation and recommend a course of action if necessary.
  • If you suspect that your home may be a target for thieves, install a solid security system that includes motion detectors and an alarm. This will help deter anyone from trying to steal your belongings and may help identify any suspicious activity in your neighborhood.
  • Warn the people who live in and around your home – if they know about any potential problems, they may be more likely to report them to the authorities.
  • Get an insurance policy that includes coverage for property damage caused by pests like termites. This will give you some financial relief if something does happen and will also help cover the cost of repairs if necessary.


When it comes to pest control, it is important to be well-informed and have a variety of options at your disposal. In this article, we aim to provide you with an overview of the most common types of termite control Melbourne and explain how each one works.

We also suggest some treatment options based on the particular pests that you are dealing with. So hire the best termite control services like www.pest-control.com.au/termites and keep your home or office safe from pests.