A good Executive Recruitment process is the key to finding the right person for your organisation. A bad process can make you miss out on the best candidates and leave a bad taste in their mouths—not exactly what you want as an employer.
What skills do we need now?
To determine the skills needed, you need to know two things: what is it that needs to be achieved, and how will you achieve it?
- What are the goals of your business?
- How will you achieve those goals?
The answers to these questions give you a clear picture of what skills are required.
For example, if your company has decided that it wants to expand into new markets and increase revenue by 20% this year, then it would make sense for them to hire someone with experience in sales or project management.
On top of that, it’s also important for companies to assess whether or not their existing staff have all the necessary skills (or lack thereof).
This can be done through interviews with each member of staff, during which they discuss their roles within the organisation as well as provide examples of how they’ve applied their skills in previous jobs.
How can we best market our opportunity?
You’ve got an awesome opportunity to fill, and you want to attract the best candidates. How can you best market it?
Let’s start with the basics: use multiple channels to reach candidates. While social media is often the first place people turn for jobs, job boards and company websites also play important roles in attracting top talent.
Make sure your message is relevant to the audience you are targeting – don’t just post a general “we’re hiring” post on LinkedIn, since that will likely result in little more than spamming people who aren’t interested in working at your company or might not even be looking for a new job right now!
Searching for top talent
Searching for top talent is a challenge that many companies face. The first step in finding the right candidate is to build a strong candidate pool. You can achieve this by leveraging social media, with LinkedIn being one of the most popular places to find high-quality talent.
The initial selection of candidates
You have a clear and concise job description.
You have a clearly defined role with clear responsibilities and expectations.
You have a clearly defined timeline, including the start date, end date, and any interim dates that need to be filled in between.
Ensuring the fit is right for both parties
During the Executive Recruitment process, it’s important to ensure that both parties are a good fit.
For the candidate: The position needs to be a good fit for them. It has to be something they can see themselves doing and where their skillsets will be used to their full potential.
For the company: The role needs to be a good fit for us as well—this means ensuring that we find someone with the right experience and skill set who can grow into this job over time (and potentially move up within our organisation).
The Executive Recruitment process is an exciting and important part of finding the right person for your company.
It’s also a great chance to get a better understanding of what skills you need now, how best to market your opportunity and ensure that both parties are in sync with each other before making any final decisions on who should join.